Contact information:

Payment information:

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

100% safe & secure

If paying through an installment billing payment plan, you are agreeing that you will pay all future installments. Your refund and cancelation window is ONLY within 10 days of initial registration as we can't offer your spot in the small group to someone else midway through the year. Your installment agreement is for 12 payments of $64, so you agree that you will make all 12 payments, for a total of $768 within the one-year timeline. If a payment is missed, you will be given 7 days to resolve the missed payment, after which point your access to the program, small group, and any bonuses you received will be terminated. You can regain access by paying the remaining amount due and a $45 reinstatement fee within 30 days of your missed payment.